
Imagine a world where nothing goes right. Abandon the fantasy that all of your dreams could come true. Replace hope with hopelessness, just for a moment.

In a world with no balance, all of the wrongs are permanent, lasting, and unwavering. But this is not the world that we live in. Thank goodness for this.

Balance provides a positive outcome in even the worst situations. Unpredictable and sometimes unfathomable circumstances occur and shift our world. Conversation, if we were able to predict some of the horrendous moments in our lives, we’d live in a state of panic. OR if awful things happened frequent enough, we’d become lethargic.

Younger generations don’t worry. Their overly protective parents shielded them from harm. Feeling safe promotes an arrogance that nothing can happen that will cause discomfort. This maybe the biggest criticism from older generations. Living without worry seems almost careless. And being unprepared for what could go wrong could lead to real problems not being resolved. There’s just no “ounce of prevention” and probably no “pound of cure.”

Depending on which generation we belong to, the range between panics and lethargy often disappoint. The older generations were born into being prepared for some of the most challenging moments in life. Their parents deprived them (or maybe weren’t able to spoil them). Life was dangerous. Knowledge of what could go wrong provided guidance.

Unrealistic? Perhaps. But living in a state of panic causes problems too. Not much is resolved by constantly preparing for the inevitable.

By definition, evolution results when things don’t go as planned. Regardless of your beliefs, no one can deny that opportunity peeks around the corner of any dilemma. How we respond is up to us.

It’s the failure to respond that haunts us. That’s lethargy.

Now imagine a world where nothing goes wrong. Abandon the idea that your dreams will ever have obstacles. Hope is needless when everything is guaranteed. In those moments of suspended belief, life seems less interesting.

Growth is the result of overcoming adversarial conditions. Is most cases, adversity is required! A seed that isn’t thirsty doesn’t get watered. That same seed won’t grow without being covered in dirt. Each challenge requires a counter measure for growth to occur. Occasionally, through the course of events, evolution occurs. When the finished product survives, thrives, and develops into something better, evolution has occurred.

We can’t be lethargic! Doing so feigns balance. Counter measures produce better results. Good judgement helps a lot too.