What’d U Say ‘Bout My Momma?

The words and phrases we use in our daily lives mean so much more than we are implying.  I mean to say that there’s a hidden connotation in so many American expressions.  We can’t be sure what’s really being said or even why that expression was the best way to get the point across.  

Blessings in disguise

When placed in a uncomfortable situation and I need to explain the unexplainable, I submit that it must an act of God.  Even non-believers accept this as a generic result for unpleasantness.  Loss of an opportunity, a personal relationship, or a wicked case of bitterness from a family member (just to name a few) all lend themselves to disguised blessings.  

Can’t win them all

Nor should we.  After all, losses build character.  No one wants to lose, but most of us agree that winners who aren’t humble deserve no special consideration. How do we measure success?  We grow from unpleasantness and discomfort.  These things drive us to work harder and to overcome adversity.  To win them all means to never grow.  Few things just ARE.  Most things BECOME. 

Don’t burn bridges…

That moment we realize that we’ve had enough–when something that was said or done and cannot be overlooked any longer–is when we are warned not to burn bridges. We might want to come back.  Come back to what?!?  When that moment occurs, we know that there’s no looking back.  “Burn, Baby, burn!”  

I’m sorry

Here’s one that is used too frequently and often misused.  Does this mean that condolences are being offered or is it an apology?  It depends on the context, right?  But when a cheating husband says it, it means he wishes he hadn’t gotten caught.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” is merely a plea to stop the badgering–like when a kid breaks a dinner plate due to carelessness.  It’s a personal expression that has little to do with actual sorrow and more to do with one’s feelings about something.  In French, the expression is “Je suis desolé” which means “I feel.”   We don’t feel as often as we act.  And so I suggest: don’t be sorry; be CAREful. 

We speak too quickly and think too slowly. In the wrong company, that behavior can be dangerous. Children make this mistake often enough that elders coined the expression “children should be seen, not heard…”   This may explain why toddlers who are too quiet (and out of sight) cause panic.    

It’s our closeness that enables us to speak so freely.  Stop and think for a moment of the last conversation that you had with a friend or family member.  Aren’t we pretty liberal around our folks.  We say things we shouldn’t, express opinions that are judgemental, and don’t worry too much about the consequences. 

Have you ever had a stranger use a “familiar” expression while approaching you.  Which is more startling?  The expression or the approach?

Ever want to slow someone down?  Ever need them to step back and regroup?  Try this one:

“What’d you say about my momma?!?”

No one EVER takes that liberty.  That would be taking it too far.  Them’s fighting words!  But why?

Lest our losses be in vain

Every bad thing that happens…happens for a reason.  We are supposed to have an optimistic approach to everything(?) Can’t we be mad, angry, or sad?  To waste our energy on anything non-productive is just THAT–wasteful…and in vain–for nothing.   

Good bye

Few fair wells are good.  An abbreviated “so long” is just… “bye” but does that mean it’s not good?  We can’t be certain.  So consider these things when speaking.  

Until we meet again

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